Tuesday 2 October 2012

Home alone

I finally had the trap running again last night after all the waterspouts and hurricanoes which have plagued this part of mother Earth. A dry night for Leeds, said the BBC, and it was so; but not a warm one. Even after sunup when I went to examine the eggboxes, it was nippy.

Not so very surprising, then, to find just one moth in residence - choosing to settle on the barcode as so often happens. I have aired my theory previously that this is a conscious attempt to find a multi-coloured or -textured surface. Maybe someone more scientific will prove that one day

The moth is a not very black Black Rustic, starting to look a bit battered as it lives out its short span. I persuaded it out of the eggbox and into cover where it took up residence next to this snail which I hope is not a mothivorous sort.

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